
Looking to move to your new dream home!

Maybe you have outgrown your current home, maybe you are relocating due to work, maybe you want to move into the countryside or even it might be time to downsize!

At Wyke Financial we have dealt with every type of home mover imaginable. We understand that whatever the circumstances moving home is a stressful time. We are here to take that stress away from you (on the mortgage side at least!)

When moving home you will be obtaining a residential mortgage. All this means is a mortgage secured against a property you intend to reside in (as opposed a buy to let or commercial lending).

The big change in any residential mortgage has been how the banks now asses the affordability of the loan. This will differ depending on your own circumstances and the lender we deem to be most suitable for you. During the first consultation we will assess your income and expenditure and give you a clear indication on what the likely mortgage amount is you are able to receive.

This way you can have a good idea on if your move is realistic and whether its worth getting your current property on the market for sale.

Mortgage Agreement

Book a chat with one of our specialists today